Movement Ecology

Social movements are ecosystems. They grow stronger and more resilient through connectedness and diversity. We help activists and organisations act on this insight.

Recent posts

What Is Movement Ecology, and Why Is It Useful?

How do we come together, in all our diversity, to create the worlds we want to see, feel, and belong to? A look into movement ecology as a framework for working towards system change

Our Offerings

3-day Training

A course open to all changemakers, whether you’re an activist, freelancer, or part of an organisation. It explores how to break out of our silos, collaborate more effectively, and grow stronger to successfully challenge structural power. Based on complexity theory, ecological thinking, and hegemony analysis.

Next course: 17–19 Sep 2024, Manchester

Bespoke Workshops

Tailored workshops for groups and organisations who want to understand their place in the wider social movement and how to grow that movement, explore specific challenges and connections, and develop strategies for more resilience and impact. Designed together to best fit the needs of all participants.

Please reach out to us if you are interested in bespoke workshops!

Consulting & Facilitation

Input, guidance and support for organisations and institutions as they navigate their social movement ecosystem. From system mapping and context analysis to event design and large-scale collective decision-making, we can help them define and expand their niche and connect to their community.

Send us an email to explore how we can support your organisation!

About us

We are a Movement Ecology Collective

We believe that in order to achieve system change, changemakers across the UK need to build collective power. We work within and across movements to facilitate exchange of ideas, strategic coordination, and practical collaboration. We open up a space for reflection and learning on the individual, organisational and movement level.

Far from traditional alliances with formal agreements, we aim to strengthen and support a network of changemakers so that we become a well-connected, powerful and radical force that can successfully challenge hegemonic power structures.

We provide a range of offerings, including open courses, bespoke workshops, multi-day gatherings, facilitated discussions, meet-ups, consultation and movement mapping commissions.

Please get in touch to discuss how we can help you or your group!

We are Linda, Lucas and Wolfgang. We each have a wealth of experience as facilitators, trainers and activists, designing and leading trainings, workshops, strategy meetings, people’s assemblies and long-running group processes.

Our sliding scale fees are inspired by the Sky Larks Collective. Our work on movement ecology is inspired by the Ulex Project and informed by the work of the Ayni Institute. For more background, have a look at the resources we use in our course.

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