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Facilitation for Teams and Organisations

Transforming tensions into collective agency

We need to work together effectively and joyfully to build collective power. For this, well-held spaces and well-designed processes are essential.

Our facilitation helps overcome obstacles and (re)develop the ability to collectively create insights, make decisions, and take action.

How we work together shapes the change we create within society. Facilitation matters because the process is not just the path – it defines our destination.

Process and Event Design

Are you planning a gathering, workshop, team day or conference? We’re experienced in helping groups and organisations create spaces for collaboration.

We develop ideas together with clients, stakeholders and participants. We work with different group sizes and compositions and adapt our approach accordingly.

But our mission is always the same: Empowering groups to make equitable decisions and develop effective strategies.

Large Group Facilitation

Steering large groups through ambitious, multi-day events like summits or work conferences can be a real challenge – but one we happen to like.

Our facilitation balances emergence and convergence to make space for new ideas, strengthen relationships and promote inclusion while working towards desired outcomes.

We use highly adaptable methods and work with a trusted network of colleagues to scale our support as needed.

Good enough is perfect – A Wikimedia playbook for collective deliberation

Our guide to designing and facilitating a process for collective deliberation – for a group to discuss, assess and decide upon their collective position on a strategic or governance proposition.

We developed and tested the process for the Wikimedia Summit 2024, where the participants were able to find a strong collective position on the Wikimedia Movement Charter.

Collective Sensemaking

Making sense of things together is a prerequisite for deciding together. If you can’t agree on what’s happening, you won’t agree on what to do.

What’s more, the world is constantly changing, and failing to integrate new insights and understandings will make your strategic choices outdated and less effective. As individuals we constantly make sense of the world. You can do the same collectively, as a team or organisation.

In a typical sensemaking workshop, we use boards and sticky notes to capture individual contributions, collect and cluster them, see patterns and insights emerge, and identify areas for action.

This helps participants let go of their attachment to existing ideas and perspectives and become part of a truly collective thinking process whose results are emerging from the group as a whole.

Collective Decision Making

Is your team struggling to make decisions – or stick to the ones it made? Do you need to make a decision in a large group or with multiple organisations? Is the quality of the decisions you reach too low? Or do you sense a lack of support for decisions made?

Good collective decisions are more than just the sum of individual ones. They are based on shared understanding and mutual alignment.

But finding these is a practice often lacking in modern Western society. If we want to unlock new modes of (re)production and achieve system change, we need to reintroduce it to teams, organisations and movements.

Using a range of inclusive and empowering tools and processes, we can help your team or organisation come together to make bold, informed and well-supported decisions.

Have an idea for a collaboration or a challenge to work on?

Quotes from clients and participants

“My expectations of the convergence we could achieve at the Summit were far exceeded. Thanks to our collective efforts and the work of the Movement Ecology Collective, the Summit was a great success!”

“It was a very productive meeting. The organisation of the rooms with specific objectives to work on was a success and made the meeting a really fruitful space. I left with the feeling of having achieved something, of having made a really useful journey.”

“The Summit concept and program were extremely well thought-out, and well organized during the event. The structure and pacing of the program provided an excellent environment for making progress. I was impressed by how much of it was made in just 2 1/2 days.”

“It was definitely possible to bring all the voices together to make progress in a proactive manner.”

“I have been at a lot of conferences, and this was the best-facilitated one I have attended in a very long time.”